Marion Hellweg: 10 tips for a feel-good bedroom


We will take you to the land of dreams! These fabulous tips regarding “Sleeping & feeling good“ will ensure that you will experience tranquillity and relaxation in your bedroom.

1. SLEEP WELL – Make your bedroom beautiful! with furniture that is not only comfortable and functional but also stylish. With accessories that make you feel safe. Only an environment where we feel absolutely at ease makes it possible to completely switch off and leave everyday life behind. As we spend a third of our life in the bedroom, we should pay utmost attention to make it homely.

2. LIGHTING – Correct lighting in the bedroom is an important factor. After all, we not only spend the night in this room, but often also the quieter hours of the day. Good bedroom lighting should, above all, create a comfortable, calming atmosphere. Furthermore, there must be sufficient light to be able to read in bed and choose what to wear. Don’t hesitate to take advice regarding the best lighting concept for your personal feel-good bedroom.

3. ROOM CLIMATE – There are many disturbing factors that may lead to not being able to fall asleep.  Very few people think about the CO2-concentration in the room. Poor air quality is a considerable factor when it comes to sleep problems. To ensure perfect air conditions, simply put some plants into your bedroom, which absorb CO2 at night, such as Aloe Vera, snake plant, ivy, peace lily and green lily. These green companions not only release oxygen, they also clean the air, thus ensuring an ideal room climate. Another good tip: always air the room for approx. ten minutes before going to bed.

4. COLOUR HARMONY – A general rule for using colour in our bedroom: colour shades that we love have a calming effect on us. However, please note: not every colour is suitable for a rest area! Whilst colours do not influence our sleep as such, they influence how well we can switch off and relax and how well we can get up in the morning. Blue shades are definitely among the most suitable bedroom colours. Pulse and blood pressure decrease when we are surrounded by blue. Green stands for harmony, luck, security and health. For more information regarding “Living with colour“, click here: Live better with colour

5. AS IF ON CLOUDS – Do you prefer to sleep on a firm or soft surface? On cold foam, Latex or spring core? A single or double mattress? Do you prefer a Boxspring? Only you can answer these questions! In principle the following applies:  always test a mattress before buying it – and test it in different sleeping positions with a suitable pillow. Only this ensures that you make the best possible choice and that you will sleep in your bed as if on clouds.

6. PRIVACY ­– The bedroom is THE room to retreat to, if you want to switch off and relax. Apart from the bathroom (possibly insert a link to “Feel-good bathroom“), it is also the room that should guarantee privacy. In order to protect yourself from unwanted onlookers, a curtain or blind is recommendable – it shields the retreat thus creating a comfortable feel-good atmosphere. Black-out curtains and blinds have the additional advantage of darkening the room.

7. BED LINEN – The right bed linen is another deciding factor for restful sleep.  There is bed linen for summer, winter and for the whole year. Materials (such as linen, cotton, satin, silk, jersey, micro fibre etc.) all have different properties, which an expert can explain in detail. The best material is cotton, as it can absorb up to 65 % of moisture of its net weight and is extremely breathable.  It is also important to change the bedclothes every 2 weeks in summer and every 4 weeks in winter in order to guarantee an ideal feel-good factor.

8. MATERIALS – Just like in every room of your house, it is important that you surround yourself with feel-good materials in the bedroom, which are natural and healthy. Wood, natural fibres, wicker, leather and textiles are only a few of the elements that play an important role.  The more natural and environmentally friendly the material, the better you will feel within your four walls. It is therefore advisable to carefully select your furniture and accessories (also regarding sustainability); not only you, but also the environment will benefit from your choices.

9. TIDINESS – If you want to get some rest, ensure that the surroundings are tidy and organised, this is particularly important for the bedroom. Make sure that there are no unnecessary bits and pieces. In order to make it easier to keep things tidy, make sure that you have sufficient storage space. A spacious wardrobe can be complemented by a sideboard, a chest and/or another unit providing extra storage compartments. This makes it effortless to stay organised, allowing you to relax in your tidy feel-good bedroom.

10. SLEEPING AIDS – There are some proven home remedies that have a positive impact on restful sleep. Physical activity makes you tired and ensure deeper sleep. However, please do not exercise just before going to bed (that is too stimulating); instead, go for a relaxing evening walk.  A hot bath (up to two hours before going to bed) can work wonders. Bath additives such as melissa and valerian can reinforce the calming effect. Finally, a nice going-to-bed ritual, such as a cup of feel-good tea before bedtime, can help with falling asleep quickly.

Images: hülsta Neo Schlafen

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